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What are Phone Number Tags? 6 Ways to Use

what are phone number tags

Managing a myriad of inbound and outbound phone lines efficiently can often become chaotic and disorganized. This is especially true for businesses that may have different phone numbers for different locations or different functions.

This lack of structure not only slows down operations but also complicates call tracking and analysis. Proper organization of phone lines means easier sorting through multiple phone numbers and more streamlined reporting.

Phone number tags can help businesses better organize their call traffic, streamline operations, and analyze call types for insights. Let’s see how!

What are Phone Number Tags?

Phone number tags are tags or labels users can assign to different phone numbers within your phone number management system.

These tags allow you to categorize phone lines based on their purpose, location, team, or other relevant criterion. By tagging phone numbers, you create a more organized framework that can help filter and track call data more efficiently. Small businesses and large enterprises can easily adapt phone number tags to meet their specific needs.

Global Call Forwarding offers phone tags along with our virtual phone numbers for more enhanced and efficient call tracking.

How to Use Phone Tags?

Setting up phone number tags is generally straightforward. Most cloud telephony providers offer an interface or dashboard where users can easily assign and manage tags effectively. All you need to do is:

  • Define your tags: Decide on the most relevant categories to your business needs.
  • Assign tags to phone numbers: Attach one or more tags to the appropriate phone numbers within your system.
  • Manage phone numbers: Organize and sort through business phone numbers efficinetly.
  • Customize reports: Filter call reports with phone tags to see more focused and detailed call activity.

Global Call Forwarding customers can create and manage phone tags for inbound and outbound phone lines in our control panel.

6 Ways to Use Phone Number Tags

So, what are some ways your business can use our phone number tagging feature? Let’s go over some common use cases:

1. Organize Phone Lines by Department

Use tags to differentiate phone lines used by various departments within your business. For instance, tag specific phone numbers as “Sales,” “Customer Support,” or “Human Resources.” This helps you understand how your call traffic is distributed. Then, you can further filter to see how many outbound sales calls were answered or how many inbound support calls went unanswered.

2. Filter Calls by Type

Use phone number tags to filter calls associated with different phone lines — like your APAC support center or HQ — in your call reports. This allows managers to analyze the types of calls coming through and identify trends or areas needing extra attention or support.

3. Manage Distributed Teams

Businesses operating across multiple locations or regions — working with different call centers or service centers — can use tags to understand call distribution. Phone number tags like “APAC Office” or “US HQ” can help determine how call traffic is spread geographically and which locations are receiving more calls. Managers can use this data to reevaluate staffing or routing methods.

4. Improve Custom Reporting

When integrated into custom reporting tools, phone number tags can further narrow down the depth of insights available. For example, if you want to analyze the performance of your tech support team specifically in the APAC office, you can quickly generate reports for all phone numbers tagged under “Tech Support” and “APAC” tags.

5. Enhance AI Capabilities

Users can further expand their call reports when using phone number tags alongside AI call features. For example, Global Call Forwarding customers can turn on AI insights, filter to view specific tagged lines, and then see call activity, status, summaries, transcripts, and sentiment analysis for these specific lines.

6. Assist in Training and Quality Assurance

Phone number tags such as “Training” or “Quality Check” can help in separating phone lines that are being used for training purposes or quality assurance checks. Managers can then filter to see call insights and activity for those specific lines to better train new agents.

Experience Improved Call Handling and Deeper Insights

With tags, companies can ensure better management of call data, detailed call analytics, and a more organized communication structure.

Use phone number tagging alongside our other core features like Custom Reports and AI Insights to get a more detailed view of your business’ call activity.

Want to test it out? Give Global Call Forwarding a try! Book a demo today or speak with your account manager.

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