Buenos Aires virtual phone numbers

Buenos Aires Virtual Phone Numbers

Use a +54 Buenos Aires phone number to connect with customers in South America. Forward incoming calls to your main office, global teams, or support centers anywhere in the world.
  • Expand sales and support operations in Argentina with Buenos Aires virtual phone numbers.
  • Establish a local presence in this region — no long-term contracts or setup fees
  • Manage calls efficiently with 20+ features like IVR, advanced routing, and more.
  • Enjoy reliable local and international calling from any device, any location.
Home » Virtual Phone Numbers » Services » Buenos Aires Virtual Phone Numbers

If you are an individual or business owner who wants to explore the possibility of doing business in Argentina, consider getting a Buenos Aires virtual phone number. This will allow you receive and make international calls with a Buenos Aires phone number.

Buenos Aires is the bustling, capital city of Argentina. As the most populous city in the country, Buenos Aires is consistently praised for the high quality of life it offers its citizens. The per capita income in Buenos Aires is the highest in South America and the third highest in Latin America. It is also the most visited city in South America, making it a tourist hotspot. This is likely due to the locale’s rich cultural history and its well-preserved Spanish/ European-style architecture.

Buenos Aires has also been home to major sporting events such as the Pan American Games, the FIFA World Cup, and in 2018 it will host the G20 Summit and the Summer Youth Olympics – all events that draw in thousands of tourists and millions in revenue.

As a city with so much to offer, it is definitely worth it to look further into the Buenos Aires business climate. The city’s GDP totals $84.7 billion, and it is the 13th largest economy in the world.

Types of of Buenos Aires Virtual Numbers

You can get different types of Buenos Aires phone numbers for your business. Global Call Forwarding offers:

  • Buenos Aires toll free numbers — free to call from anywhere within the country.
  • National Buenos Aires numbers — start with (3794) and are reachable from the entire country.
  • Local or geographic Buenos Aires numbers — available with specific area codes from top cities in the country.

Buenos Aires Phone Number Format

The country code for Buenos Aires is (+54). The Buenos Aires phone number format includes the trunk code (0), the toll free or area code, and the 7-digit subscriber number:

The Buenos Aires toll free number format is +54 (0800) xxx-xxxx.

The Buenos Aires national number format is +54 (0378) xxx-xxxx.

The Buenos Aires local number format is +54 (0379) xxx-xxxx.*

Service Features

An advanced suite of included and premium features to reliably power your business communications.

CRM Integrations

IVR/Auto Attendant

Cloud Call Recording

Virtual Voicemail

Call Flow Designer

Call Transcription

Time of Day Routing

Geographic Routing

Simultaneous Ringing

Sequential Routing

GCF Softphone

Outbound Calling

Outbound Caller ID

Number Masking

Failover Routing

Custom Reports

Call Blocking

Local Ringback Tones

Fax to Email

Rollover Minutes

benfits of virtual numbers

Benefits of Using a Buenos Aires Number for Business

Why should your business buy a Buenos Aires phone number?

With a Buenos Aires virtual number, you can:

  • Develop a local presence even if you are an international company
  • Gain access to the Buenos Aires economy
  • Communicate cost-effectively with local Buenos Aires customers
  • Attract a new customer base to purchase your products and services
  • Increase revenue and sales by entering a new market
  • Get access to cloud communication features for improved call management
  • Use your number for advertising locally

How Much Does a Buenos Aires Virtual Number Cost?

Global Call Forwarding offers Buenos Aires virtual numbers starting at $17.95 per month.

We offer five different virtual phone number plans that include monthly minutes plus an additional per-minute rate.

How to Get a Buenos Aires Phone Number?

You can buy a Buenos Aires phone number from Global Call Forwarding in two ways:

To purchase your numbers online, follow these steps:

  1. Visit our Pricing page.
  2. Select your new number from the left dialog box.
  3. Choose Buenos Aires, type of number, prefix, and number available.
  4. Then, enter the necessary information in the right dialog box to have your calls forwarded.
  5. Note: You can forward calls to any location or VoIP/SIP system.
  6. Click on View Rates and choose from our five different plans.
  7. Add premium services, if desired. We offer Call Recording, Outbound Calling, Voicemail Transcription, and Rollover Minutes.
  8. Submit your order and wait for your service to be activated.
With Buenos Aires VoIP numbers, you can enter this booming economy and increase your business’ sales and global coverage. To learn more, speak with representatives today!
how to get a virtual number

What is a Buenos Aires Virtual Phone Number?

Buenos Aires virtual phone numbers are numbers that allow you to place a call from anywhere in the world to Buenos Aires for free. They also allow you to own a phone number with a Buenos Aires area code. This number can be forwarded to any existing international cell phone, landline, or VoIP. A virtual phone number can be bought from companies like Global Call Forwarding from a list of thousands of international and 800 numbers.

The benefit of a Buenos Aires phone number is that it will allow you to conduct business in Buenos Aires without having to have a physical presence in the city. Having a number that looks like it comes from Buenos Aires allows for easier communication with locals, fostering the relationships you need to be successful in this market.

Argentina Virtual Phone Numbers

Global Call Forwarding is the leading provider of virtual phone numbers in Argentina. We have numbers available from major cities such as Buenos Aires and tens of other. To learn more about Argentina virtual numbers, including Buenos Aires and Cordoba, please visit the Argentina virtual phone numbers page or contact one of our experts.

Top Performing Industries in Buenos Aires

Before deciding to conduct business in Buenos Aires, remember that most people in the city speak primarily Spanish. Although, as a city that includes people from many ethnic backgrounds and a large population of immigrants, there are a number of other languages that commonly spoken. If you speak both Spanish and English however, you should easily be able to communicate with most people in the city.

The largest industries in Buenos Aires are arts, agriculture, and industry. Additionally, Buenos Aires is home to the largest port in South America, making it an ideal location for any business that has a need for shipping. Having Buenos Aires virtual phone numbers will help you a great deal when expanding your business into this market.

The arts in Buenos Aires are unrivaled. With a rich history of its own, the art scene in Buenos Aires has been enhanced by waves of immigrants adding their own cultural influence to the city’s artistic background. There are small, niche museums to satisfy a craving for the unique, and there are world-class art museums that hold some of the world’s most famous pieces.

With more bookstores per capita than any other city in the world, Buenos Aires is known for its love of great literature. Having a Buenos Aires virtual phone number will give you the best chance at breaking into this market. Also keep in mind the rich music, cinema, and fashion industries. From The World Tango dance tournament to Buenos Aires Fashion Week, the city attracts spectators along with excellent boosting of the local economy.

Just outside the city center is an area known for its heavy agriculture production. The city is known for its refrigorificos – massive meatpacking plants, which originated back in the 19th century and are still in heavy use today. Meat, dairy, grain, tobacco, wool, and leather are the primary goods that come from this area. If you have a business and you think it would make financial sense to try to enter the Buenos Aires agricultural market, your Buenos Aires virtual numbers will make it far easier to connect with the right people.

Industry includes auto manufacturing, oil refining, metalworking, machine-building and the production of textiles, chemicals, clothing, and beverages. Together, these industries make up a substantial share of the city’s profits and jobs. If you own a business that you think would be successful in any of these industries, you can use your Buenos Aires virtual number to find your place in the market.

While industries are large and growing, Buenos Aires is now looking to make changes to accommodate client needs. These aspects may include expansion plans, using new technologies, or adopting new industries altogether. If you feel you can help the growth and forward momentum of these industries, you can buy Buenos Aires virtual phone numbers and begin the process of establishing a virtual presence in the city of Buenos Aires today!

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