When you want to extend your United States-based small business to Europe, but you don’t have the money to relocate, virtual European phone numbers are the way to go. Not only will they save you money, but they will also boost your company’s image and allow you the ability to take calls anytime, anywhere. Once you’ve got your virtual European phone numbers, you’re good to go. Now you have to build your customer base, and that means adopting a customer-centric approach.
Understanding the Customer-Centric Approach
Having European phone numbers is all very well, but they’re not going to serve your purpose if no one is calling them. Customer loyalty depends on how you engage with your customers and build their trust. Here are some tips to help you build a solid customer base.
Get to know your customers: If you really want to serve your customers optimally, you need to get to know them. That means understanding their needs and desires. Then you can make your company truly customer-led. Make the most of all the tools you can use to learn more about your customers. For example, social media, customer polls, customer feedback forms, and local surveys. Don’t forget that you European customers may have very different needs and desires based on their home country. Use different European phone numbers so you can track your different target audiences.
Provide excellent customer service: There is a big difference between good and excellent customer service, so make sure you provide the latter. Don’t simply meet the customers’ needs, go above and beyond them.
Exceed their expectations and make their dealings with your company enjoyable and memorable. For example, offer them bonus products or services related to their purchases.
Put customer satisfaction before everything else: Customers are the most important stakeholders in your company. Without them, you would have no revenue, no profits, and no salaries. Even if you sometimes have to adjust your schedule, cancel a meeting or reduce your profit margin, you and every member of your team should understand that customers come first. This means you must also provide your employees with the right training and tools to do their jobs properly.
Offer the human touch: One of the main reasons that your European phone numbers are so important is that they allow you to talk to your customers in person. While there’s no denying the value of technology in your business transactions, a phone call can do so much more for building customer relationships. Virtual European phone numbers give your European customers – whether they are potential or existing – the opportunity to call you without having to pay long-distance charges or deal with cumbersome international dialing codes.
Reward employees for excellent customer service: For your company to become truly customer-centric, everyone must be dedicated to providing optimal customer service. For this to happen, you need to have a team in which each individual is motivated and sees that there are personal gains to customer satisfaction. The best way to achieve this is by linking employee incentives to customer satisfaction. Be prepared to reward employees who go the extra mile to resolve customer problems or create a situation or service which improves the lives of your customers.
Listen to your customers: Listening doesn’t just mean paying attention to surveys or social media comments. Really listen. Each time you are using your European virtual numbers to talk to a customer, you have an opportunity to learn something new about them. Don’t just ask them what they think of your products and services, ask them why. Then act upon their input.
Map your customer’s journey: Doing so allows you to “walk in your customer’s shoes” by following them every step of the way as they interact with your company. Do your research and focus on their desired outcomes. You will be able to observe their needs at each interaction and to assess how well you are meeting them.
Monitor all customer interactions: Not only is monitoring crucial for analyzing your customer service strategies, but it is also invaluable for training employees and highlighting their weaknesses and strengths.
Keep track of everything including call logs, social media, emails, and online conversations.
Make your customers part of the solution: You should be prepared to involve your customers in every aspect of your business; from the design process to the products you sell. Don’t presume when making decisions based on what think your customers may need or want, without consulting them first.
This list is far from exhaustive. When you’re developing a customer-centric approach, you need to maintain a holistic view of your company. It begins with the willingness to place customers at the forefront of all your business decisions and offering your overseas customers virtual European phone numbers is a great place to start. Call Global Call Forwarding today and let us help you on the journey to a more customer-centric business.