Do you use a phone with Blackberry OS? If so, you should know that Global Call Forwarding offers the ability to get a toll free number for Blackberry OS phones. With Global Call Forwarding’s top-tier telecom service, it is now possible to enjoy the greater functionality of toll free virtual phone numbers with Blackberry OS. Consequently, with a toll free number you gain the ability to:
- Project a professional business presence
- Expand your company without needing a brick & mortar presence
- Augment your business model with cost-effective efficiency
- And much more.
Getting a Toll Free Number for Blackberry OS with Global Call Forwarding
With the following steps, you will be able to get a toll free number for your Blackberry OS within minutes. As a result, the number will be available to use upon activation in 24 hours or less.
Step #1: Visit the Homepage of Global Call Forwarding
The first step to get a toll free number for Blackberry OS is to visit Global Call Forwarding’s homepage ( Once the page has completely loaded, you will notice a series of dropdown menus at the top of the page.
(Note: Visitors to the Global Call Forwarding homepage will find a number of useful links/information about telecom services offered.)
Step #2: Select Your New Phone Number for Your Blackberry OS
After the homepage has loaded, a series of dropdown menus appears at the top of the page. Hence, these dropdown menus are divided into two categories: “Select Your New Phone Number” and “Enter Your Destination Number.”
Beginning with “Select Your New Phone Number,” you will choose the country and its corresponding country code from the first dropdown menu. For instance, if you’re looking to get a toll free number for Blackberry OS based in Dubai, you will select “United Arab Emirates (+971).”
Next, you will choose the phone number type in the second dropdown menu. Because we are selecting a toll free number for Blackberry OS, you will choose a toll free number option (“mobile accessible” numbers may or may not be available). Likewise, for some countries, a secondary menu will appear, offering a choice of available toll free number prefixes. (Note that not every country has toll free numbers available from Global Call Forwarding, based on regulations and/or current inventory.)
After you have chosen the desired country and toll free number type, the third dropdown menu will either:
- Display a list of available toll free numbers to choose from, or
- Indicate that a toll free number will be provided upon activation

Step #3: Enter Your Destination Phone Number
Now it’s time to enter the destination number. This is the phone number (landline or mobile) where calls will be routed to and from.
Underneath the “Enter Your Destination Number” heading, you will first select the country and its corresponding code from the first dropdown menu. Likewise, as an example, if your destination phone number is located in the United States, you will select “United States (+1).”
In the textbox below the country code dropdown menu, you will enter in the remaining digits of your destination number. So, be sure to review the information that you have entered for accuracy. Furthermore, once you have verified the number, click on the “View Rates & Try for Free” button to proceed.
Step #4: Choose the Right Payment Plan
Now a series of payment plans will appear below the dropdown menus. Review each plan, as Global Call Forwarding offers payment plans with different rates and minutes to match your intended usage. Finally, select one that suits your estimated usage per month.
Step #5: Select Optional Features for Your Phone Number
Below the payment plans, select optional features for your toll free phone number for Blackberry OS to enhance its functionality, including:
- Rollover minutes
- Call recording
- SMS plan
- And outbound calling
Step #6: Complete Your Contact Info
Scroll down past the optional features, you will enter your contact information in the fields provided, including:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Account Type (Business or Personal)
- Review the Terms & Conditions
- Agree to the Terms & Conditions
Step #7: Reviewing Your Cart
Once you’ve submitted your contact information, the next screen will present you with an overview of your current purchase. So, a this point, you can either:
- Select more virtual phone numbers by clicking “Add More Numbers”
- For those that choose “Add More Numbers,” you will repeat the previous steps, to choose additional virtual phone numbers.
- Click on “Proceed to the Final Step” to proceed to checkout.
Step #8: Checking Out
Next, a series of menus and textboxes requires your billing information, including:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Address
- Contact Phone Number
- Email Address
- Password
- Password Confirmation
Following this, you will enter your payment information, including:
- Billing method (Credit Card/Paypal/Other)
- Credit Card information, including:
- Cardholder Name
- Card number
- Expiration Date
- Card Issuer/Bank
- Promo Code (optional)
Finishing Up the Process
Last, you will review the Terms & Conditions. Once verified by clicking the checkbox provided, click “Start Free Trial” or “Pay & Activate” (depending on whether you select free trial or not) to complete your order.
Finally, after submitting your order, a customer service rep from Global Call Forwarding will reach out to you within 24 hours or less. Therefore, if help is needed, they can assist you in setting up your new toll free number for Blackberry OS.