Home office professionals and entrepreneurs find accessibility with virtual office system benefits
Managing the day-to-day administration of paperwork, phone calls and accounting is one of the most difficult challenges of a home business professional. You don’t have the support system that you find in large corporations, with switchboards, trained customer service personnel and personal assistants. So when you’re running the show all on your own, you need help. It’s that simple.
One of the easiest ways to find help is to contact a virtual phone number provider, which can immediately make your life easier. By setting you up with a toll free forwarding number, and by providing you with the benefits that a competent provider can offer, you can propel your business to the next level. Here are some of the ways you’ll benefit:
Accommodations for travelers. Some of us travel across town, the state or the country in order to meet clients and get our business done. That’s a lot of time on the road, and if you’re not reachable, you’re losing clients. With a virtual phone number you’ll never miss another call! You can get the “follow me” voicemail solution that will find you no matter where you are. The phone service can try as many numbers as you’d like until they reach you. They can even screen your calls, so that you can decide which calls you want to take and which ones you’d like to send to voicemail.
Consultant assistance. With a phone service, you can create the important image of success a consultant needs to succeed, as well as serve your clients better and create more billable hours. Call forwarding service will allow you to maximize your availability during working hours and free yourself from calls after hours. You can control the numbers where you can be reached as well as the times of day and days of the week you are accessible.
Home business management. With a virtual phone system, you can present an image of success and professionalism that will give your customers a sense of confidence in your company. You will have a voicemail solution that allows you to work successfully from your home without sacrificing your personal life.
As a home office manager and entrepreneurs, finding help can be crucial for the success of your business. By finding a virtual office system that works for you, you can take a positive step in improving your business.
Home business and small business owners benefit from virtual office system features
Shopping for a virtual office system that can offer you things like 800 phone numbers, vanity numbers, and office management assistance can be mind-numbing. Especially if you’ve never had such a service before. Where do you start? There are dozens of companies out there that can offer you countless benefits.
Once you narrow down the main services you want, you’ll probably have lots of additional questions.
Here are some basic features that you’ll want to look for that will enhance your benefits and help your company see results:
- Look for a competitive rate. Toll-free rates can be as low as 4.5 cents per minute, which is very competitive in today’s market.
- Beware of lengthy contracts. Instead of getting tied up in a long-term commitment, look for a company that offers monthly subscriptions for toll-free numbers.
- Rely on technical support. Make sure that the company you sign up with offers a client services department to help you with any questions that come up. You don’t want to be hung out to dry in the middle of the afternoon when you have a question or concern.
- Look for customization. Your company may have special needs, like you may need rotational voicemail for different people or groups. You also might need a script for special recordings, or rather you might choose to utilize a voice talent service. Make sure you are given these options for maximum impact.
- Look for accessibility. Make sure that you have call forwarding available to you. Also, investigate the features to the call forwarding service. For instance, can you choose the time of day or days of the week you would like to get calls from a particular number? Make sure you have options with this feature, as well as with Call Back and Paging options.
- Number flexibility. If you have an existing 800 number, make sure you can direct it to your new system. You should also be able to attach multiple 800 numbers to your system as well.
- Look for payment options. If suitable for your needs, look for a pay-as-you-go plan. This allows for additional flexibility. Another option is a prepaid minute plan, which can help you stay in control of your usage.
- Consider additional customer benefits. Some companies offer customer referral programs, which might include giving you credit for every new customer you refer. These benefits can add up over a month or a year and help you save money.
As you consider signing on with a virtual office service, knowing the benefits to look for and the questions to ask can help save money and lots of time.