Today, more people are connecting with companies on a global scale due to internet connectivity and integrated media platforms. If you’re operating your business with a local phone number, you may be missing out on valuable opportunities.
Calling outside of a local area code to a business number in another city can be confusing to some customers, and it can also be expensive. Using a toll-free number allows consumers from every corner of the globe to contact a business free of charge without emphasizing the differences in location.
While many consumers are comfortable with business transactions in different states (or internationally), small business owners should use toll free numbers to establish a deeper sense of trust. Consumers are more likely to buy locally, but using toll free numbers with extensions to show your professionalism will position your company to be seen as a reliable option in the market, no matter where you are located.
Strengthen Customer and Employee Relations
Toll free numbers with extensions can be dialed from home phones and mobile devices that function on every operating system because toll free numbers combine traditional means of communication with cloud technology. This allows companies to work with remote teams in various locations anywhere in the world while keeping their employees available to incoming callers.
At every extension, an employee can have personal voicemail and custom settings. When incoming callers hear the custom greeting, it will let them know they’ve connected to the right extension. Staff members using extensions with customized features are more likely to stand out and get contacted again for customer service in the future. This often leads to loyal customers, which reflects positively on the entire company.
Automated Features Will Work To Your Advantage
One of the best ways to use phone extensions is to answer the most common inquiries during the automatic greeting. If someone needs to know what time your business opens or closes, or what company department is needed for a specific question, add this information as part of the custom greeting.
Automated greetings keep employees from answering the same basic questions repeatedly. The caller also benefits from receiving the information they need instantly without waiting to speak to someone for an answer.
If you’re working with a virtual team, incoming callers can still feel confident that your team is working together to find innovative solutions that address customer needs. By adding various extensions for specific concerns, your company will seem more organized and equipped to provide professional advice.
Toll Free Numbers Help With Brand Recognition
Along with more effective means of communication, businesses can use toll free numbers with extensions for branding purposes. When a customer calls a toll-free number, they expect to connect with a professional company and well-trained employees.
A random set of numbers would be more difficult to recall in comparison to a number that includes a name or term related to your business. Toll free numbers have the potential to make your company more memorable because they can be used with a vanity number. A vanity number is not only easy to remember, it promotes word of mouth marketing and gives the impression that your company is very established in your industry.
Vanity numbers allow people to press numbers that pair with the letters you’ve chosen for incoming calls. Be sure to make it catchy and relevant to your business, and instantly you’ll make it clear that you are an industry leader!
Use Toll Free Numbers With Extensions When Launching Ad Campaigns
Any advertisements that are published online or in print can have extension numbers listed alongside the main toll-free number. Be ready for customers who will be responding to the ad campaign by having team members in place to explain the ads and assist customers as they take advantage of promotions.
When you advertise, you’re promoting the best features of your business that make your company stand ahead in your industry. Live up to the expectations you’re setting through exceptional customer service and a well-prepared team.
Maintain Consistency To Retain Customers
Changes happen for small business owners and large enterprises, but toll free numbers will maintain an air of consistency throughout every phase of business transitions. Whether your company is increasing in size or relocating headquarters, you can keep your toll free numbers with extensions the same. This helps business owners keep their customer’s trust by letting them know that the company is remaining focused on their needs instead of being distracted by business adjustments.
In Conclusion
Toll-free phone numbers with extension lines streamline the way companies communicate with their team members and consumers. When you pair toll free numbers with extensions, you create a directory that is easy to understand for customers seeking assistance. The flexibility of the extension lines let managers change the numbers, add new numbers, or remove existing extensions without any complications.
The control panel for toll free numbers with extensions allows for call forwarding to any phone number or VoIP line. With this system, business owners can answer customer calls from their cellular device or home phone. Along with improving customer service, your toll free numbers with extensions can help you improve the way your company operates by tracking information and giving you valuable insight to help you meet or exceed company goals while noting the changes that need to be made along the way.