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How to Expand Your Business to Russia as a Foreigner

Want to expand your business to Russia as a foreigner? You are in luck. Russia, the largest country in the world, is prime for new foreign investments. The country has massive untapped business potential, presenting your company an opportunity to enter the market. Here are some useful resources to help you enter the market successfully.

Expanding Your Business in Russia as a Foreigner

Entering your company in a new market, especially one in a different country, requires documentation and other essential processes like registering the business, finding an appropriate business name, and so on.

Here are a few helpful steps to guide you when expanding your business to Russia as a foreigner.

1. Get the Right Immigration Status

To be able to expand your business to Russia as a foreigner, you will need the appropriate immigration status. And so, it is important to check if your current immigration status allows you to start a business in Russia. If you do not have one yet, you will need to decide if you need a residency or work permit.

2. Decide How to Register Your Business

When expanding your business to Russia as a foreigner, you have the following options:

  • Register as an individual entrepreneur or sole proprietorship.
  • Register using a Branch or Representative Office (RO).
  • Establish a Russian Legal Entity as a —
    • Limited Liability Company
    • Partnership, or
    • Public or Private Joint Stock Company.

Decide on a Local Company Name

This is an important part of expanding your business to Russia as you want to make sure that your business name is available and not already in use. Additionally, you will need an address for your business when registering it.

4. Prepare Documentation

The Russian Legislation states that the founders of a business looking to open or expand to Russia will need the following documents:

  • Full company name as well as any abbreviations that may be used
  • Names and signatures of the founders
  • Amount of shareholder contributions plus the nature of these contributions
  • Business plan as well as rules of the company
  • Legal responsibilities

This process may differ based on the type of legal structure you choose to register your business under.

5. Register Your Business with the FTS

Next, register your business with the Federal Tax Service (FTS) by sending them the following documents:

  • Registration form with notarized signatures (R200)
  • Copies of foundation papers
  • Proof of legal status as the business founder
  • Receipt of state registration fee (R4000)

If your application is accepted, then your business will be registered for tax purposes and you will receive the following documents:

  • Certificate of State Registration
  • Tax Certificate
  • Tax ID number
  • Copy of foundation papers with the mark of the registering authority
  • Extract from the Common State Register of Legal Entities

6. Open a Bank Account

Opening a Russian bank account is the next important step in expanding your business to Russia as a foreigner. To open a business account, you will need:

  • Notarized copy of signatures for the account (R200)
  • Documents confirming the identity and authority of the signatures on the account
  • Tax Certificate
  • Russian business license
  • Founding papers

7. Get a Russia Phone Number

Next on the agenda is to get a Russian phone number. You can purchase Russian numbers from a virtual phone service provider like Global Call Forwarding. Russia toll free numbers will give locals within Russia the option to call your business for free, no matter where you are located. Local Russia numbers let them call you for regular local calling charges.

Investing in Russian phone numbers will help you get in touch with locals, business contacts, and institutions as you prepare to move your business to Russia and build local networks. Have calls routed to any number or location of your choice with international call forwarding.

8. Advertising & Promote Your Business

Finally, you can start promoting your business as an international business. Consider using international SEO and digital and social media advertising to boost your business’ international visibility.

Get Russia Phone Numbers with Global Call Forwarding

We offer business numbers for companies looking to expand globally without dramatically increasing their phone bills. You can enjoy advanced communication features such as creative routing strategies, call recording, and more to improve customer service. Sign up today or speak with one of our global specialists to learn more!

Related: Understanding the Different Types of Telephone Numbers in Russia

Top 8 Countries for Global Expansion in 2025

Take your business to the global stage in 2025 by extending services to these countries. Here we highlight 8 top countries to consider for global expansion. We also list important resources such as business contacts and business phone numbers.

8 Countries to Consider for Global Business Expansion in 2025

What do you need to make your global expansion successful? Here are a few global expansion best practices to pay attention to:

  • Before entering new markets:
    • Research the market and review your competition
    • Plan and outline exactly how you will target and enter new markets
    • Conduct test marketing to examine how your product will perform and how new customers will react to your product
  • While entering new markets:
    • List down essential local authorities to work with
    • Develop local partnerships
    • Get local business phone numbers to create communication channels
    • Utilize international marketing to increase brand awareness
  • Once you’ve entered the new market:
    • Use an international call forwarding service to stay connected with your customers, no matter where you are located
    • Take advantage of around-the-clock and multichannel customer support
    • Satellite offices and remote workers can help develop a strong local presence
  • Attaining global expansion after COVID-19:
    • Utilize global communication tools to stay connected with your valued customers
    • Demonstrate how your business is following COVID safety protocols
    • Invest in online security and privacy measures
    • Secure your supply lines and vendors

Keeping these tips in mind, let’s now look at the top 8 countries for global expansion in 2025.

1. Thailand

Thailand — also called the “Land of the Free” — has been steadily growing its influence around the world. A Southeast Asian country located between Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia, and in close proximity to Malaysia, Thailand is in a prime position for international trade. Forbes has ranked Thailand as the 8th best-emerging market of 2025. Foreign direct investment has been successful in these major sectors: automotive, electronics, and digital sectors.

Local Authorities to Pay Attention to:

  • Foreign Licensing Department of the Ministry of Commerce
  • Thailand Board of Investment (BOI)
  • SMART Visa Program
  • Thailand 4.0
  • Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce
  • Revenue Department
  • National Innovation Agency (NIA)

Related: Thailand Virtual Phone Numbers

2. Malaysia

Even though Malaysia is a small country, it has a fast-growing economy with a high-skilled population. Malaysia has ranked high for its business-friendly environment, entrepreneurship, and quality of life. The main reason businesses look to expand to Malaysia is due to its favorable tax environment and affordable manufacturing costs.

Local Authorities to Pay Attention to:

  • Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM)
  • Ministry of Finance
  • Ministry of Communications and Multimedia
  • Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment & Climate Change (MESTECC)

Related: Malaysia Virtual Phone Numbers

3. China

China has been in the news for a variety of reasons in 2020. However, despite being the first epicenter of the coronavirus and being under lockdown for months, the country is projected to bounce back at uncharacteristic speed through a Belt and Road Initiative. As such, businesses may want to consider adding China to their global expansion list.

Local Authorities to Pay Attention to:

  • Professional Employment Organization (PEO)
  • RMB Accounts
    • Bank of Communications
    • China Merchants Bank
    • Ping An Bank
    • Shanghai Pudong Development Bank
  • Chinese Visa Applications
  • U.S.-China Business Council

Related: China Virtual Phone Numbers

4. Philippines

The Philippines, though a small country, has one of the best-performing stock markets in Asia and a liberalized and business-friendly economy. Its economy has quickened and it has been projected to sustain positive growth for the next 6 years. Additionally, there are many resources, networks, and market opportunities that support new businesses and help them grow in the Philippines.

Local Authorities to Pay Attention to:

  • Philippine Embassy or Consulate
  • Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)
  • Foreign Investment Negative List (FINL)
  • Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
  • Cooperative Development Authority

Related: Phone Numbers in the Philippines

5. Switzerland

Switzerland boasts a highly competitive economy, a skilled and talented workforce, and is a hub for innovation. Its policies and business opportunities are highly attractive to foreign investments. Take advantage of its business culture and quality of life to further develop your business.

Local Authorities to Pay Attention to:

  • Agreement of Free Movement of Persons
  • State Secretariat for Migration (SEM)
  • Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
  • Switzerland’s commercial register
  • Chamber of Commerce and Commercial Registry

6. Indonesia

More and more investors are looking at Indonesia as part of their global expansion plan. This country’s business scene has many positive elements such as ease of doing business, cross-border trade capabilities, the ability for foreign investors to own land, and more.

Local Authorities to Pay Attention to:

  • Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)
  • Ministry of Law and Human Rights
  • Ministry of Manpower
  • Online Single Submission (OSS) System

Related: Indonesia Toll Free Numbers for Business

7. Australia

Australia has been maintaining its steady economic growth for the past 25 years. Being a sustainable investment destination, Australia has attracted — and continues to attract — foreign investment from all over the world.

Local Authorities to Pay Attention to:

  • Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC )
  • Australian Government Business Registration Service (BRS)
  • Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • Private service provider (PSP)
  • Domain Administration Ltd

Related: How to Get Australian Phone Numbers

8. Italy

Italy boasts a stable economy and a strong manufacturing sector. This along with its stable political climate and pro-investment culture makes Italy a good choice for global expansion.

Local Authorities to Pay Attention to:

  • Register of Enterprises in Italy
  • Registrar of Companies
  • Italian Tax Authorities

Related: Italy Virtual Phone Numbers

Expand Globally in 2025

Take your business to the global stage in 2025 by expanding to new target markets and increasing your customer base. Establish connections, build global networks, test the market, and improve your global sales, one step at a time. We at Global Call Forwarding have the tools you need to communicate globally with your customers and business contacts. Call or chat with us today to learn more!

Understanding the Different Types of Telephone Numbers in Russia

Want to learn more about the different types of Russian phone numbers available? In this post, we detail the different Russian phone number types and uses.

Different Types of Telephone Numbers in Russia

Russia has a variety of phone number types with different purposes that range from free calling to mobile to emergency special numbers. The country dialing code for Russia is (+7) and the trunk prefix is (8).

If you plan to do business in Russia, then understanding the difference between numbers types proves necessary. Russia uses an open dialing plan with four levels for local, zone, country, and international.

Russian phone numbers are administered by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media. They are under a unified numbering plan with Kazakhstan.

Let’s look at the different types of phone numbers, their format, and how to get a Russian telephone number.

1. Russian Local Numbers

Russian local numbers or geographic Russian numbers are phone numbers most commonly used by local businesses and residents. Individuals using these numbers incur local calling charges. Local numbers have a distinct area code for the region they are assigned to. For example, you can get local Russian numbers for the following major Russian cities with these area codes:

  • Moscow (495)
  • Omsk (3812)
  • Saratov (8452)
  • St Petersburg (812)

The format for Russian geographic numbers is: 8 (area code) xxx-xx-xx

As a business, you can get a Russian local number from a virtual provider even if you are not located in Russia. You can have incoming calls routed to your office, situated anywhere in the world. Locals call a local number which then gets forwarded internationally to you. This gives local Russians an inexpensive way to connect with your business, even if it is overseas.

russia toll-free numbers

2. Russian Toll Free Numbers

Toll free Russian numbers work like any toll free number: they are free for Russian locals to call. The toll free prefix used is (800). This means that businesses, customers, leads, vendors, etc., can call your business from within Russia for free. Again, virtual providers will give you the opportunity to use a toll free Russia phone number from outside the country. Therefore, if you want to expand your business to this country but don’t want to move there, you can still offer sales and customer support through toll free numbers.

The format for toll free Russian numbers is: 8 (800) xxx-xx-xx

3. Russian Mobile Numbers

Russian mobile numbers starting with prefixes (939) or (958) are mobile numbers with SMS capabilities. That means that these numbers can receive instant messages. Using mobile numbers can help your business offer SMS as an alternative to phone calls, increasing accessibility.

The format for Russian mobile numbers is: 8 (939) xxx-xx-xx

4. Russian Special Numbers

Russian special numbers are emergency numbers for local Russian residents, such as:

  • 101 – Fire brigade
  • 102 – Police
  • 103 – Ambulance
  • 104 – Gas service
  • 112 – General emergency
  • 107 – Directory assistance, Rostelecom
  • 109 – Directory assistance (free, limited info)
  • 009 – Directory assistance in Moscow
  • 100 – Talking clock in Moscow
  • 115 – Info on electronic government services

How to Get a Russian Phone Number

To get a Russian telephone number, simply sign up on our homepage. We offer Russian virtual numbers, toll free numbers, and mobile numbers. You can also get a universal toll free number (UIFN) that includes Russia, among other countries. To sign up or learn more, call us at 1 (888) 908 6171 or chat with our global experts online today!

Everything You Should Know About Global Expansion After COVID-19

What can your business do to attract post-pandemic customers and increase customer retention? From call forwarding to securing your online transactions, here we look at the different steps you can take to bring customers back to achieve your global expansion goals.

Global Expansion in the Post-COVID-19 World

COVID-19 has placed a pause on growth in 2020; both locally and internationally. Businesses around the world have had to make changes and adjustments to survive, and quite a few haven’t. So, what do global expansion best practices look like in the post-COVID-19 world and what can businesses do to make it through?

1. Americans Believe the Pandemic Won’t Affect the Country’s Global Standing

As the United States continues to open businesses by adopting social distancing measures, Americans believe that this obstacle won’t hamper the country’s international reach and standing. Focus for businesses recovering can include:

  • Support for small businesses
  • A quick switch to remote working and online shopping
  • Community-led projects designed to boost local businesses while maintaining safety protocols
  • Advertising campaigns focused on supporting local businesses

2. International Travel Will Recover

While most countries locked down borders and stopped flights, experts predict that tourism and international travel will pick up once the pandemic is over. Tourism, international travel, and international trade are necessary for global expansion. And although almost every country has enforced travel restrictions, experts predict that an international travel boom should be expected when the pandemic weakens and vaccines are made available.

How to Expand Your Business During a Pandemic?

So, in order to prepare for a post-pandemic world, what can your business do to get more global customers in a post-pandemic world? Here are some tips:

1. Global Communication Tools

Invest in global communication tools to expand your customer base. If your business was focused on in-person meetings, then switching to other communication channels should be the first priority. Use voice and video conferencing, live chat, email, and instant messaging as convenient ways to converse with customers.

Video conferencing, specifically, is growing more and more popular as users can communicate in real-time, first-hand, and have visual interaction. Tools like live chat, email, and instant messaging are also preferable as not all customers are able to have phone conversations. However, as a business, being active on these channels and responding promptly is a must.

By adopting new communication tools, you can appeal to local and international customers. Create new relationships and maintain old ones. Right now, customer service is the most important it has ever been. Closed stores, slow shipping times, etc., have customers on edge. But being able to reach your business and get real answers can help post-pandemic customers stay loyal to your business.

Furthermore, you can use international call forwarding to have incoming calls from different locations and countries routed to your main office or remote workers. This is a good way to maintain communication with international customers without the hassle of international calling charges.

2. Secure Supply Lines

Businesses in the import/export industry or those that import/export products need to stay on top of their supply lines. This means securing your products as well as clarifying logistics to ship locally and globally. If port lines are closed for target countries, then consider switching to air freight, or other similar measures that can transport your shipments.

3. Offer Safety and Security

Finally, in these uncertain times, safety and security are of paramount importance. Many businesses have switched to online-only business operations while some stores remain open. And so, it becomes your responsibility to maintain safety within your store and among your employees as well as in your online transactions. In other words:

Your customers should feel safe whether they are visiting your business in person or making an online purchase. Send letters via email or outline your safety measures on your website so that they know exactly what you are doing for your business and for them.

Adapting to a Post-COVID-19 World

COVID-19 has brought the whole world to a standstill. However, instead of dwelling on what we are losing, it helps businesses to look at the future and what they can do to win their customers back. Here’s to looking at the future and hoping for the best!

The Chinese Telephone Code Plan Explained

Want to learn more about the Chinese telephone code plan? Find out which Chinese phone number type is the best fit for your business. Also, we outline common China VoIP issues and what telecom companies are doing to provide better virtual communication in the country.

Understanding the Chinese Telephone Code Plan

Chinese phone numbers are organized and assigned by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. According to their plan, there are different formats for landlines, mobile numbers, and toll free numbers. The Chinese country code is (+86).

We will delve into the finer details of the Chinese telephone code plan so you can find the right business phone number for your company.

1. Chinese Local Numbers

In major Chinese cities, landlines or local numbers have a 2-digit area code followed by an 8-digit subscriber number. Some cities have a 3-digit area code with a 7- or 8-digit subscriber number. When a local landline number is called from another number within the same area, the area code does not need to be dialed. Local Chinese numbers with area codes include:

    • Beijing (10)
    • Guangzhou (20)
    • Tianjin (22)
    • Shanghai (21)
    • Zhengzhou (371)
    • Xiantao, Tianmen, Qianjiang (728)

The format for Chinese local numbers is:
(area code) + xxxx-xxxx

As a business, in or outside of the telecom industry in China, having a local number lets local customers call you by paying regular local calling charges. And so, even if your business is not located in the country, customers do not have to pay high international calling charges to get support.

china virtual numbers

2. Chinese Toll Free Numbers

China toll free numbers are business numbers that give local Chinese callers a free calling option. This is because toll free service providers charge the business using the toll free number instead of the caller. By doing so, you give interested and potential customers a way to contact your business for free.

An international business located outside of China can use these numbers to gain more Chinese customers or build local networks. Incoming calls can be forwarded to your office, wherever it is located.

The format for Chinese toll free numbers is:
(010) + (800) + xxx-xxxx

3. Chinese 400 Numbers

China 400 numbers are also a part of the Chinese telephone code plan. As their name indicates, 400 numbers start with the prefix (400). These numbers are reachable from anywhere in the country, making them a good business phone number option.

The format for Chinese national numbers is:
(400) + xxx-xxxx

4. Chinese International Codes

China has four international call prefixes that residents, businesses, and foreign callers can use. These international codes include:

    • Mainland China (+86)
    • Hong Kong (+852)
    • Macau (+853)
    • Taiwan (+886)

How to Call China from the US

To dial a China phone number from the US, you will need to dial the US exit code (011) and China country code (86) before the subscriber number. Follow this China phone number dialing format:

Calling a China local number: 011 – 86 – Area code – xxxx-xxxx

Example: 011 – 86 – 20 – 3333-3333

Calling a China toll free number: 011 – 86 – Toll free code – xxxx-xxxx

Example: 011 – 86 – 800 – 3333-3333

Calling a China mobile number: 011 – 86 – 1 Mobile code – xxxx-xxxx

Example: 011 – 86 – 122 – 3333-3333

Related: How To Call China From The United States

Common Problems with China Virtual Numbers

Demand for China virtual phone numbers has grown substantially in recent years. However many businesses have gotten frustrated while trying to find a reliable phone number to use in China. Since there are so many amazing opportunities in China, businesses want to continue their presence and therefore a reliable service needs to be available. At Global Call Forwarding, we are working hard to solve these issues. So, what are the common problems with Chinese virtual phone numbers and how do we solve them?

1. Mobile access

Toll free numbers in China are not accessible from mobile phones. If a business uses an 800 number for their company, their customers can call them through landlines only. Customers dialing from a mobile phone won’t be able to reach this business. Secondly, there are two 800 numbers in China; one for southern China and one for Northern China. This means, to be accessible to customers in all of China, a business will need two toll free numbers. To combat this issue and because of the lack of mobile access for 800 numbers, 400 numbers were created. 400 numbers can be reached from mobile phones and you don’t need different numbers for north and south China. The only difference is that customers pay a regular, local cost.

2. Long setup times

China requires that you have documentation of your business or a passport before getting virtual phone numbers. Conversely, you do not need a physical address in China to get a local phone number. Either way, waiting for the approval of these documents can take a long time. In order to bypass these wait times, you need to choose a provider with a good relationship with Chinese providers.

3. VoIP regulations

China VoIP regulations are different compared to other countries. Over time, several VoIP services have been banned in China with only certain VoIP providers allowed to operate. These providers are usually allowed only when China owns a majority of the company. Therefore, adding new VoIP providers becomes very difficult. Chinese VoIP providers have seen an improvement in the country’s willingness to partner with outside countries. The easiest place to gain a phone number is in Beijing, but outside of the country’s capital, it is still a struggle. The 400 numbers have the most common services available from VoIP providers. With 400 numbers, there is better consistency in call quality. As more companies take their business to China, the service will continue to improve.

4. Number porting

Number porting is not as advanced in China as you may find in other countries. Changing service providers in China will mean a few extra steps, involving canceling your number and buying a new phone number from your new provider. This issue has not been fixed, but if you choose a reputable VoIP provider that allows you to test their service before signing a long-term contract, you won’t waste any money on advertising a new number.

5. Number availability and limitations

Local numbers are difficult to set up in China due to their many restrictions. As China’s economy grows and more businesses choose to expand their global reach, the difficulty has lessened. However, complaints about call quality are common. Many providers only provide access to Beijing or Shanghai. At Global Call Forwarding, we offer local numbers in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tongchuan, and Hong Kong, with a reliable connection.

The future of China and the VoIP industry shows promise for growth. Although it is difficult at the present time, VoIP providers and China have been working hard to establish better connections and they continue to get better.

Getting Chinese Phone Numbers

Global Call Forwarding offers a variety of Chinese virtual phone numbers that work within the Chinese telephone code plan. You can use these numbers to start a new business in the country or expand your business to China. Call us today to learn more!

5 Ways to Win Back Your Post-Pandemic Customers

It’s true that the COVID-19 pandemic put a wrench in our plans to grow this year. Yet, instead of being disheartened about the current state of your business and future prospects, now is the time to see how you can reinvent your company and keep your customers.

This means: developing a post-pandemic customer support strategy.

In this post, we will look at creative and successful ways to bring your post-pandemic customers back to your business.

How to Provide Excellent Post-Pandemic Customer Support

To ensure that your customer relationships outlast the coronavirus pandemic, it is important to have a customer-first strategy. This includes understanding what your customers need from you and how you can offer that in a safe and secure way. Take time to devise a post-pandemic customer support strategy in a way that elevates your customers and your customer support team. Let’s look at these 5 ways to win back post-pandemic customers.

1. Gather New Customer Insights & Preferences

The first step to implementing a customer-first strategy for your post-pandemic customers is focusing on what they need. Gather information about customer insights and preferences by asking them, conducting social media polls, and getting your marketing team on task. Brainstorm ways in which you can surprise your customers or make them feel valued. Thank you notes or emails, complimentary presents for using your service, etc., are some ways to get their attention and make them feel welcomed.

2. Demonstrate What You Are Doing to Stay Safe

Since individual and collective safety is of utmost importance at this time, you will need to show your customers what your business is doing to stay safe. Social media posts and an email detailing your safety plan can go a long way in gaining their trust. Some ways to display good and safe practices include:

  • Mandating face masks when in your store
  • Maintaining social distancing
  • Ensuring the availability of hand sanitizers
  • Offering flexible return to business policies
  • Keeping your website and online transactions secure from hackers
  • Highlighting employee safety regulations; what employees are doing to stay safe and healthy

All of this information not only educates your customers about the virus and how your business is dealing with it but also helps them trust you and your employees enough to make a purchase.

3. Offer Multichannel Communication & Support

Another key element to include in your post-pandemic customer support strategy is to make your business available via multiple channels. Besides offering phone and email support, you may even consider other channels of communication. For example, instant messaging, social media engagement, live chat, and video conferencing. Video conferencing can go a long way in interacting with a potential customer, doing product demonstrations, and securing their purchases.

4. Prepare for Antsy and Worried Customers

Now this one is important. There is general anxiety all over the world right now. And so, your customers may be angry, worried, or antsy. But be mindful and respectful of this. Treat them with kindness. Be prepared with solutions to their issues and concerns. And you will gain global customers for the long-run.

5. Make it Easy for Customers to Come Back to Your Business

Encourage your post-pandemic customers to come back. It is not going to be easy, which is why your business must attempt to make it convenient for them to return. Shower them with deals and promotions, membership programs, let them know how much you miss them. These actions will reap results in the future when everything opens up again.

Prepare For When the Pandemic is Over

Take time to improve your business’ post-pandemic customer support. Remember that even if customers do not immediately start purchasing from your business, they will remember the above initiatives when the pandemic is over. They will know that your business did everything it could to ensure safety and customer satisfaction, and that will also influence them to come back. Work now so that when COVID-19 is gone, your business is the first thing customers think about!

Global Customer Support: 8 Strategies to Get More Global Customers

Supporting a global customer base may seem overwhelming and unattainable. However, with the right tools and business moves, bringing aboard more global customers can be a piece of cake. Here are 8 proven tactics to appeal to an international customer base and offer excellent global customer support.

What is Global Customer Support and Why is it Important?

Global customer support or global customer service is the process of offering excellent service to your customers across all platforms, channels, and markets. It also means developing key strategies and support systems to assist global customers spread around the world. By taking time to execute a strong global customer support system, you can improve brand awareness and customer support on an international scale. As such, multinational and mid-large-sized businesses invest the necessary resources to be available for their international clientele.

How Can You Support International Customers?

In order to support your global customers, you will need a plan or strategy. This involves identifying ways in which your business will provide global support, investing in tools and technology needed, financial planning, and more. The first step is to create a CX and customer support strategy for your global customers. Once you have a plan in mind, you can start taking steps towards building a robust international customer support system.

global support with call forwarding

Global Customer Support Strategies: 8 Surefire Tips

Bringing on new global customers requires a few different strategies working at the same time. For example, you will need to increase business visibility and awareness through advertising and international marketing. Then, you will have to make your business easily accessible to customers in these global markets. More and more companies are adopting a Follow the Sun model to offer global customer support and stay in touch with their international clients. Read on for specific tactics you can use to entice new customers as you expand globally.

1. Hire Locals

Work with local recruiters to bring locals on board who know how to work within these target markets. Hiring locals means you can offer customer support in that area’s time zone and in regional languages. Furthermore, these employees know what the purchasing and buying culture is like within that country, state, or city. And this information can be used to better appeal to customers and vendors.

2. Work with Remote Teams

Hiring employees for global markets does not always mean opening field offices or relocating your current employees. Your chief client officer can easily hire and manage remote workers and teams by using a virtual phone system that allows users to centralize business communications from any location and any device. This lets you hire locals without needing to worry about getting an office space, equipment, etc. This helps you keep communication costs low as well as save on moving or office costs.

3. Plan to Offer Customer Support in Different Time Zones

To reach maximum global customers, it is important to offer support in current time zones. This means making your agents available in the time zone of the region you are targeting. This can be done by hiring locals from the countries or regions where you want to offer global customer support. Then, you can have incoming calls forwarded to those agents and remote workers during certain times of the day through time-based routing or location-based call routing. This way, global customers can get support quickly.

4. Invest in Multilingual Support Tools

A global expansion best practice is being able to reach global customers in languages and terms they understand and appreciate. More than 29% of businesses in a recent survey conducted by Inside Intercom said that they lost customers by not offering multilingual support. This is why it’s essential to use multilingual support tools to make your business more accessible. Consider investing in:

  • Multilingual agents
  • Language and location targeting
  • Localization services
  • Machine translation features to translate your website
  • Chatbots that support different languages, etc.

This can help you reach a larger audience and improve brand awareness and visibility giving your business an international reputation.

5. Consider Automation

Automation can help offer global customer support, especially when agents are unavailable. For instance, you can develop a cloud IVR system to answer incoming calls, identify the purpose of the call, and take action accordingly. This automated voice response service will interact with callers, ask pre-determined questions, and present callers with pre-recorded menu options. Then, based on caller input, the system will offer support, transfer the caller to the right agent, or send them to voicemail. The same goes for chatbots.

These automation services can help reduce the burden agents feel by taking care of smaller concerns, giving employees the time needed to work on more complicated issues. Automation also helps provide support during off-hours and the weekend, making your business more reachable to global customers when they need you most.

6. Use Multiple Social Media Platforms

If your business is not on social media platforms, then it is lacking in business awareness. Social media has grown into an important and effective global marketing tool. Use your platforms to demonstrate your business’ (geographical) reach, its values and products, customer reviews, events, and more. Engage with followers, respond to queries and concerns, and adopt a neutral, non-political stance.

7. International SEO

Consider search engine optimization or SEO for international marketing. This usually includes boosting your website and increasing your business’ visibility through country targeting and language targeting. Develop content that is original and relevant and use keywords that will draw local as well as international traffic to your website.

8. Display Quality Testimonials and Reviews

Lastly, highlight reviews and testimonials from your global customers. Social proof goes a long way in showing new prospects how your business values its customers and how your business works. You may even choose to publish case studies on successful clients, detailing how your product or service benefits them, and so on.

Need Communication Tools to Reach Global Customers?

Global Call Forwarding can help you get the right communications tools for global expansion. Call us today at 1 (561) 908 6171 to find out how we can help you improve the customer experience for your global customers. Improve business awareness and make your business a reliable one by offering global customer support.

7 Must-Have Global Expansion Tools for Communication

Expanding internationally and entering new markets can be unsuccessful if not planned properly. One of the most important parts of global expansion is preparing to communicate overseas and across borders. To communicate better across borders, your business must invest in global expansion tools. What are some useful communication tools for international businesses?

Global Expansion Tools: Communication Better

The following 7 global expansion tools for international communication can help you maintain good communication with your employees as well as future clientele when you expand internationally.

1. International Business Numbers

First and foremost, consider using international toll free numbers. These are essentially toll free numbers for international countries. Depending on where you want to expand, you can get international toll free numbers for that area. For example, if your US business wants to extend sales to Asia, you can get India or Singapore toll free numbers, and so on. Calls made to these numbers can be forwarded internationally to a number or device of your choice, including your US office.

Individuals calling from these countries will think of your number like any other local number and your business as locally accessible. This allows you to enter new markets and encourage customers to call your business number for free. And since you use a global inbound service, you won’t be paying high international calling rates. Instead, you pay according to your subscription plan.

2. Local Phone Numbers

Virtual local phone numbers are numbers with local area codes. These are useful when you are targeting specific states, cities, or regions in different countries. For instance, you can get a Dubai local number or a Sydney local number. Locals calling a local number are charged regular rates, even if the call is forwarded internationally to your business in the US.

Both ITFS and local phone numbers give your international clientele and business contacts convenient and inexpensive ways to connect with your business, irrespective of its location.

3. Outbound Calling

One of the most popular global expansion tools is an outbound calling service. Outbound calling is a telecom service that supports your outgoing and cold-calling efforts. An outbound calling strategy will help you contact local and international customers through any device or number. You can even display a local or domestic toll free number as your outgoing caller ID to present your business as local. Global Call Forwarding’s outbound calling service comes with a web dialer that is easy to install and use. You can save contacts, update caller history, and more with our dialer.

4. Live Chat and 24/7 Customer Support

Offering live chat on your website with either agents or chatbots can assist web visitors who want to learn about your products and services or need troubleshooting help. You may choose to hire remote agents located in the areas falling under your global expansion strategy. These agents can provide around-the-clock customer support via chat and phone conversations. They will also be able to offer services in regional and local languages and time zones.

With live chat and 24/7 customer support, you can increase customers’ reliability on your service and company.

5. Text Messaging Services

You may also consider getting an SMS plan along with your business number. Doing so will give interested prospects another easy method of contact. While most customers prefer to interact via phone calls, some customers prefer email or text messaging. You can appeal to this target group by making the option available.

6. Ticketing and Problem Tracking Software

Additionally, having a reliable ticket or case tracking system will prove useful when customers need quick support. Consider investing in an online help desk that allows customers to submit a ticket and track the ticket’s progress. Furthermore, train employees to quickly resolve tickets as they come up. This can help increase customer satisfaction and trust in the company.

7. Social Intranet

A social intranet refers to a private hub or network that only certain members of an organization have access to. A social intranet for your business can enable internal communication and collaboration. You can develop your office’s intranet by using a content or project management system. Furthermore, an intranet is a recommended solution for companies executing a Bring Your Own Device or “BYOD” policy.

Prepare Well with Global Expansion Tools

To successfully enter your business in the global market, one must be prepared in many ways. And global or virtual communication becomes an important aspect. To learn more about how Global Call Forwarding can help you build a strong communication system, speak with our global specialists today!

11 Global Expansion Best Practices to Enter New Markets

Is global expansion on your next business meeting agenda? Any business aiming for success will consider entering the international market at some point. Expanding beyond your immediate location can help increase sales and credibility. But how do you make such a big decision and ensure it doesn’t fail? Here are some best practices and tips when going global in 2025.

11 Global Expansion Best Practices to Enter New Markets

Considering global expansion for any business can seem like a daunting task. However, plenty of tools and resources are available to make this transition as smooth as possible. Here, we outline best practices to consider when expanding internationally. These practices are divided into different stages:

  • Planning
  • Presence
  • Follow-Through

Stage A: Planning

The first step to any business’s global expansion strategy is thorough planning. This includes choosing which countries to target and how to target them.

1. Which Markets to Target
Conduct market research and gather data and intelligence to help you determine which regions are prime for your business. Create new buyer personas and study different demographics. Research customer behavior, preferences, patterns, and local trends. Consider the demand for your product and the purchasing power of your buyer persona.

2. How to Target New Markets
You can start small by test-selling specific products or services in these markets to see how they respond. You may even consider using research and small business tools made available by the governments in those areas.

3. How to Offer Sales and Support in These Markets
Open lines of communication between your main office and the new areas you want to target. Standard options include contact forms, live chat on the website, social media accounts, and local phone numbers. This way, you can sell and provide follow-the-sun service to entities located in these new markets.

4. International Payment Methods
An essential aspect of global expansion is to make processes easy for customers and clients in different states and countries. One of these processes includes setting up international payment methods. You must research the local buyers’ preferred methods to decide which payment methods are helpful. Additionally, ensure that this payment method has a reputation for security and is credible.

Stage B: Presence

Once you’ve decided which markets to enter, the next step in global expansion is creating and maintaining a local presence in them.

5. Global Marketing with Partnerships
Start by establishing connections and partnerships with local experts and business contacts. A local partner with access to the right network of customers, employees, and contacts will prove beneficial. You can quickly enter the market, access the right audience, and create your local presence. You may also consider starting on existing online marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, etc. You can test the demand and make the necessary changes before selling with full force.

6. International SEO
Next, you want to optimize your online presence with international SEO strategies. International SEO is like geo-targetingoptimizing your website for different countries and languages. It helps search engines identify the countries you want to target. Then, it provides the tools to support your marketing efforts. For example, it may offer different languages you may use or show users local results before international results, etc.

7. Global Sales Development
Now, it’s time to start making calls. Once your partnerships are set up and your website optimized for different markets, the next step is to increase brand visibility and awareness in these local markets. To do so, you can use phone sales. A business phone service can support your sales development strategy by letting you call your local, long-distance, and international customers. Furthermore, you can use international SIP trunks to display a local phone number instead of one they don’t recognize. This way, you can establish connections virtually while taking your time to open a field office.

Stage C: Follow-Through

Once you’ve prepared your markets and established partnerships and communications, the next step in global expansion is to start making sales and offering customer support. There are several different ways to do this. The best way is to buy international virtual numbers and talk to your business contacts over the phone. Here are the most important tools to consider.

8. International Toll-Free Service
An international toll-free number is a toll-free number for different countries. In other words, each country has designated toll-free numbers that customers from within this country can call for free. Global Call Forwarding is the most trusted provider of international toll-free numbers. Your business can get international toll-free numbers for each country in which you want to do business.

9. 24/7 Customer Support
Another important global expansion best practice is to offer 24/7 customer support on different channels. This includes phone, email, live chat, SMS, trouble tickets, and more. You can offer after-hours service by developing an efficient automated self-service system that resolves common queries. Most commonly, businesses will facilitate global customer support using an ITFS number. Workers in remote locations and different time zones often handle customer support.

9. Regional Offices and Infrastructure
Ultimately, your business will need to open regional offices and colocation centers after reaching global revenue targets. Regional offices will host local staff in each region. In addition, your critical infrastructure will be hosted at colocation centers. You can find co-working spaces and regional data centers by quickly searching online.

10. Local Phone Numbers
Local numbers have specific area codes that distinguish them from other areas. Local calls are charged local rates instead of long-distance rates. This is why businesses choose to get a local business number so local customers can contact them without any hesitation. When driving international growth in 2025, convenience is more important than ever. Your business should aim to provide a convenient experience as part of your follow-through.

11. Universal Freephone Numbers
A UIFN is a single, universal toll-free number accessible from 60 countries. However, this list of countries is predetermined and cannot be altered. If most of the countries you want to do business with fall under this list, you search for a UIFN to streamline your inbound calls.

Start By Setting Up International Communications

We at Global Call Forwarding can set you up with local, international, and toll-free numbers to manage your international communication. Start by signing up for our global inbound service or porting your existing number on our homepage. For more information, call us at 1 (888) 908 6171.