Have you been considering learning more about the 516 area code and how to get one of these phone numbers for your business? If so, we’ll cover various aspects of the 516 area code and how to get a phone number for your business or personal use with Global Call Forwarding. Let’s begin!
Where is the 516 area code?
The 516 area code is located in the Nassau County portion of Long Island, a densely-populated suburban area outside of the 5 boroughs that comprise New York City. Previously, 516 had incorporated both Nassau County and neighboring Suffolk County, but this changed in the late 1990s, when pagers and cell phones required further divisions (Suffolk County was assigned area code 631).
Currently, the 516 area code encompasses over 1.5 million individuals and businesses spread over 76 cities in Nassau County. For those that want to ensure that they have a phone number with the 516 area code, it should be noted that a 2018 analysis by NANPA (North American Numbering Plan Association) predicts an exhaustion of the available phone numbers with the 516 area code in the 4th quarter of 2023.
How to Get a Phone Number with the 516 Area Code from Global Call Forwarding
If you’re interested in getting a phone number with a 516 area code, the process of subscribing with Global Call Forwarding is incredibly quick and easy.
First, visit Global Call Forwarding’s homepage (www.globalcallforwarding.com). At the homepage, you’ll find a series of dropdown menus at the top of the page organized under two different headings: Select Your New Phone Number and Enter Your Destination Number.
Under Select Your New Phone Number, each dropdown menu corresponds to the new 516 area code phone number that you will select. Begin by selecting the country code from the dropdown menu, which will be “United States (+1).” Following this, you will select a number type. There are a wide variety of number types available from Global Call Forwarding (such as toll free numbers, vanity numbers, and so forth), but for this example, you will select “New York (SMS Optional)” under the Geographic subheading. A new dropdown menu will appear next to this 2nd dropdown menu, which prompts you to select a particular city located in Nassau County followed by a “(516)” area code. For zone-based phone numbers, you can also select “Nassau County Zone XX (516),” which offers a phone number that isn’t tied to a particular city. On the 3rd dropdown menu, you will choose a 516 area code phone from a list (based upon current availability).

Now that you have selected your new phone number with a 516 area code, enter the phone number where calls will be routed under the heading, Enter Your Destination Number. First, select the country code of your destination phone number. For instance, if your destination phone number is located in the United Kingdom, you will select “United Kingdom (+44).” After selecting the appropriate country code of your destination phone number, you will enter in the remaining digits of your destination phone number. Once finished, click on the button “View Rates & Try for Free” to progress to the next part of the process.
Next, you will be presented with a number of payment plans for your intended usage. Choose the payment plan that best fits your business and/or personal usage; note that you can try the service for free on a trial basis to learn how these phone numbers can benefit your business.
After you’ve chosen your payment plan, you will be given the option to select optional functionalities and add-ons by clicking on the corresponding checkboxes. At the bottom of the webpage, you will enter your contact information and intended usage by filling in the appropriate information.
From this point onward, the process is relatively similar to most online transactions. On the following page, you will enter in your payment and billing information, review your purchase and make changes as needed (i.e. select more phone numbers to subscribe to), finalize your purchase by agreeing to the Terms & Conditions and submitting your order.
Once finished, a Global Call Forwarding customer service agent will contact you within 24 hours to assist you in setting up your new 516 area code phone number.
How to Use Virtual Phone Numbers for your Business
By subscribing with Global Call Forwarding, you can gain access to the 516 area code with an Internet-enabled technology known as virtual phone numbers. When a call is made to a virtual phone number, the call is instantly routed through the Internet (via cloud computing) and redirected to another phone number that can be located anywhere in the world. This means that both international and domestic businesses (as well as individuals) can have a phone number with the 516 area code, but can exist outside of Nassau County (and the United States).
Because of this functionality, there are innumerable benefits to using virtual phone numbers. If your business is located internationally but wants to present a professional image with a 516 area code, it is now possible to appeal to local markets with the routing capabilities of virtual phone numbers. Another benefit is that you can enable callers in Nassau County to reach your international business without incurring service blockages and/or long distance fees.
Furthermore, virtual phone numbers enable your business to create a real business presence in Nassau County without the need for creating a physical presence in the United States, which can greatly help save time, money, and resources – ultimately enabling your business to reach clients and customers immediately.